Time Sensitive Updates and Resources: Colorado’s Natural Medicine Program

This special Colorado-focused update is dedicated to those considering licensure in Colorado’s state-regulated psilocybin therapy program.

If that’s you, we have a couple of time-sensitive requests below. Then, read on for our compilation of helpful resources!

If you are considering applying for a business license (healing center, manufacture, cultivation or lab testing) in Colorado’s natural medicine program, please complete the Colorado Department of Revenue’s short survey ASAP. Your responses, especially if received before Sept. 12, will help regulators estimate participation in Colorado’s licensed psilocybin program, which in turn will directly affect licensing fees.

And if you’re specifically considering applying for a healing center license in Colorado, please complete HAF’s own (even shorter!) Healing Center Survey, which will help us coordinate advocacy efforts to support statewide access.

For additional resources and updates for those considering natural medicine licensure in Colorado, find more information below. 

Tasia Poinsatte
Colorado Director


Seven Facilitator Training Programs Approved by DORA

As of early September, seven facilitator training programs have received state-approval in Colorado to begin enrolling students and offering coursework. These programs are:

●    Elemental Psychedelics
●    InnerTrek
●    SoundMind Institute
●    Changa Institute
●    Naropa University Center for Psychedelic Studies
●    Integrative Psychiatry Institute
●    Ceremonia

Several of the programs have cohorts already underway, and others are enrolling now for their fall cohorts. A few have also shared plans to offer accelerated training options for those with prior training and experience. For those interested in Colorado facilitator licensure, we recommend signing up for their email lists to stay up to date about their Colorado programs and offerings – and stay tuned for news about programs that are still pending approval.

Practicums in Colorado will kick off in 2025, once the state opens the application portal for Training Licenses. Students also have the option to complete practicums in Oregon in 2024 as long as they are working with a Colorado Approved Facilitator Training Program.


Breaking Down the Final Rules for Psychedelic Therapy in Colorado

Colorado has adopted final rules for its psychedelic therapy program, set to launch in early 2025. On September 10th, join HAF Colorado Director Tasia Poinsatte and HAF advisor Josh Kappel, of Vicente, LLP, for a breakdown of the rules. This session will provide important clarification for those hoping to participate in Colorado's groundbreaking model for legal psychedelic care. Come prepared with questions!

> Register for the Info Session

September 16 Final Rulemaking on Proposed Fees for Natural Medicine Businesses

On September 16 at 2pm MT, the Colorado Department of Revenue will host a final rulemaking hearing on draft fees released earlier this month. If you are considering applying for a business license in Colorado, we encourage you to attend the session or submit written comments.

Please note that fees for natural medicine businesses are directly affected by DOR’s estimates of program participation – which is why your responses to the DOR survey of prospective business licensees can make a big difference.

> Rulemaking Hearing Information


Quick References for Understanding Colorado’s Natural Medicines Program

●    Two-page overview of Colorado’s program
●    Summary: Rules for Facilitator Training and Licensure
●    Vicente/Psychedelic Alpha Natural Medicine Tracker

FAQs about Colorado’s Natural Medicines Program:

Where can psilocybin therapy take place?

●    Psilocybin therapy in Colorado can take place in dedicated healing centers as well as multi-use spaces such as health care locations, therapists’ offices, and businesses that offer other complementary health and wellness services. Designated administration areas where participants consume and feel the effects of psilocybin are restricted to authorized access during the sessions themselves, but can be used for other purposes when psilocybin sessions are not taking place.

●    Psilocybin therapy is allowed at participant homes to support access for those with chronic illness, disabilities or other barriers to leaving the home. Facilitation at participant homes is subject to additional safety requirements.

What steps are required for clients to utilize psilocybin therapy in Colorado?

●    A screening process to flag medical, mental health, and medication risk factors prior to accessing psilocybin therapy is required. The screening process will help participants match with the right facilitator. Consultation with a mental health or medical provider may also be required in some cases.

●    Additionally, at least one preparation and one integration session is required to be paired with the administration of psilocybin under the Colorado Natural Medicines program.  

How is dosage determined?

●    Facilitators must determine the psilocybin dosage that is administered based on the screening of, and in consultation with, the participant. Any dose of psilocybin administered must meet the generally accepted professional standards of practice.

Can licensed health care providers offer psilocybin therapy in Colorado?

●    Colorado’s dual licensure approach allows health care providers to obtain a clinical facilitator license and integrate psychedelic care with their existing practice.

Is a clinical license (medicine or psychotherapy) required to become a licensed natural medicine facilitator in Colorado?

●    A clinical license is not required to become a licensed natural medicine facilitator in Colorado. Applicants for a facilitator license must demonstrate successful completion of the required training at a state-approved training program, including an evaluation of competency.

Are there accelerated training options for those who previously completed a psychedelic-assisted therapy training?

●    Colorado’s program includes accelerated facilitator training options for those with substantial prior training and experience. Training programs are responsible for creating structures for vetting and approving prior experience, so prospective students should reach out to training programs directly regarding their options for accelerated training.


Leading the Next Generation of Psychedelic Healing One State at a Time