Media Resources

Background material, photos and videos for use by the media and others are available here.

For media inquiries or to arrange an interview please do not hesitate to contact us.

Are you a member of the press looking to schedule an interview, or just have a question?

Contact us.

One Pagers and Fact Sheets

  • In 2020, Oregon voters approved a ballot measure to create the world’s first state-regulated psilocybin therapy program to address mental health. The Oregon Health Authority is working with a board of experts to create a licensing and regulatory framework for a safe, accessible and equitable program. Download the one pager to learn more.


  • There are a number of rules and procedures that facilitators and service centers must follow under Oregon’s rules to ensure client safety.  Download the one pager to learn more.

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  • The Oregon Model is drawn from the research findings and protocols developed for clinical studies over the past seven decades. Oregon’s program allows psilocybin therapy only in a licensed service center overseen by a trained facilitator. Download the one pager to learn more.

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  • In November 2022, Colorado voters approved Proposition 122, which allows regulated access for adults to natural psychedelic medicines that show promise in treating a variety of health conditions. The Colorado Department of Regulatory Agencies (DORA) and the Colorado Department of Revenue (DOR) developed rules to implement a statewide regulated psilocybin therapy program while gathering input from experts, stakeholders, and the public.


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